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​Straight out of Brick City (Newark, NJ), home of the great Amiri Baraka, comes the poetry of Yari Pares Vincenty, known as Porta Rock, another contribution to the cultural dynamics of the Puerto Rican Diaspora. His first book, From In Between The Bricks I Rise; Reflections From A Porta Rock, hopefully one of many to come, stands on the shoulders of a long line of “Nuyorican” poets, such as Miguel Piñero, Pedro Pietri, Tato Laviera, Papoleto Meléndez, Prisionera, Mariposa, José Angel Figueroa, Sandra María Estevez, and Víctor Hernández Cruz, among others.
-​José E. Velázquez Lúyanda
Educator, Historian, Author
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